The VRS guidebook provides a comprehensive guide of the simulator, making the reader an expert.
Author: Nishant
Ultimate Goal Better for beginners, more lessons and more stable Power Play Better for real FTC teams, support for a more recent season Center Stage …
VRS Resources Complete Youtube Playlist VRS How To Lessons Basic Introduction to Programming Locating blocks for programming How to use basic blocks Saving/loading block programs …
Contact Us
Email jweiland@firstillinoisrobotics
VRS in the news
Elementary school students achieve world record points with VRS Meet the team helping spread the Virtual Robot Simulator FIRST talks about our Robot Simulator and …
Our Team
Jonathan Weiland is the currently the director (or Program delivery partner PDP) of the FIRST Tech Challenge in Illinois . He has been involved in …
Intro to Block Programming
Learn how to program using VRS’s blocks with this article!
VRS Quickstart
Virtual Robot Simulator is a simple, easy-to-use platform that allows FTC teams to program and test their robots without access to physical hardware. Learn how to use VRS with this quickstart!
Learn to program a robot with VRS
The most basic introduction to Virtual Robot Simulator!
Intro to Motor Power
Introducing how to make your robot move, turn, and strafe